Six Sentence Sunday: Full Metal Librarian VI (Alarms)

Six Sentence Sunday is open to all writers.  Just pick a six  sentence passage from anything you’ve written—published, unpublished, whatever—and post it on your blog on Sunday.  Registration for the upcoming Sunday list opens the previous Tuesday evening at 5pm CST.  More information is here.

Check out all the talent!


Another passage from my first drawer novel, which is going to get stranger before it . . . gets stranger . . .

An alarm rang through the Library, jolting me out of my funk—the high-pitched beep that means an armed book has just left the Children’s Room.   It’s obnoxious and loud, but noise is a small price to pay for keeping the collections safe . . . and the children.

That particular alarm sounds at least once a day, usually set off by some kid waving a book through the sensors for the excitement.  So while I made for the front doors, I half-expected to hear the all-clear before I reached them.

Instead, the proximity siren kicked in from the entrance.


Previous Installments:
First ♦ Second ♦ Third ♦ Fourth ♦ Fifth