Six Sentence Sunday: Full Metal Librarian XLIV (Idealism)

Six Sentence Sunday is open to all writers. Just pick a six sentence passage from anything you’ve written—published, unpublished, whatever—and post it on your blog on Sunday.

Registration for the upcoming Sunday list opens the previous Tuesday evening at 5pm CST. More information is here.

Check out all the talent!


This week, Clyota and the Pressman are in a cab, carrying her mother’s lockbox to a place where they can examine the contents without interruption.  On the way, they discuss the possibility that the intruder they left trussed up at Christina’s—one John Anderson-Smith—will actually stay in jail this time.

“Pity you didn’t save the courts the effort,” he said.

My first reaction was on the tip of my tongue when I remembered that everything I said would be on record.  “I’m a librarian,” I said, finally. “We don’t use unnecessary lethal force.”

“That idealism will come in handy,” he said,  “at your murder trial.”

Who knew Pressmen could be so pissy?


 Previous Installments:

First ♦ Second ♦ Third ♦ Fourth ♦ Fifth ♦ Sixth
Seventh ♦ Eighth ♦ Ninth ♦ Tenth ♦ Eleventh ♦ Twelfth  ♦ Thirteenth
Fourteenth ♦ Fifteenth ♦ Sixteenth ♦ Seventeenth
Eighteenth ♦ Nineteenth ♦ Twentieth ♦ Twenty-first ♦ Twenty-second
Twenty-third ♦ Twenty-fourth ♦ Twenty-fifth ♦ Twenty-sixth
Twenty-seventh ♦ Twenty-eighth ♦ Twenty-ninth ♦ Thirtieth
Thirty-first ♦ Thirty-second ♦ Thirty-third ♦ Thirty-fourth  ♦ Thirty-fifth
Thirty-sixth ♦Thirty-seventh ♦ Thirty-eighth ♦ Thirty-ninth
Fortieth ♦ Forty-first ♦  Forty-second ♦ Forty-Third

26 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday: Full Metal Librarian XLIV (Idealism)

    • I’m pleased with the way their relationship grew, especially considering I had no idea what to do with him when he showed up. 🙂

    • There’s a bullet called a Full Metal Jacket, which has a soft core around a hard shell. It seemed to fit the character.

      This story is set in an alternate timeline—many things are militarized here.

  1. He’s not pissy. Just disappointed with the revolving door of our court systems, which I doubt will ever change. But Clyota knows better than to put her boot in her mouth, even for the coolest Pressman.

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