Snowy Day Sunny Art

Thought I’d brag on Sunny for a little bit, even though she and her sister celebrated their prayed-for snow day this morning by sleeping in, while Rocinante and I slalomed through the snowy streets—ten inches predicted by evening—and over a bridge glistening with, apparently, buttered ice to reach the library, because literacy is beautiful and responsible dedication to one’s profession sometimes bites down hard.

But  Sunny recently brought home some things from school that have re-established and elevated my sense of maternal pride, so I forgive her.  And I’m sharing:

If Jane is my Machiavellian draftsperson—Cupcake Wars, anyone?—then Sunny is my artist.

Fly Away Dandelions

She doesn’t get it from my side of the family, though I did inherit my mad stick figure skillz from Dad.  The Wessons, though, have artistic talent to spare and passed some of it to my kid, who would rather draw and color and decorate than eat.

How many five-year olds color the sky all the way to the ground? How many, when they draw a man standing in front of a tree, draw the man first¸ and then work on the tree trunk, which is set in the grass slightly higher than the man’s feet, because “it’s farther away, mommy”?

I might be biased—well, of course I’m biased—and I’m no art critic, but I like her use of color and perspective and placement.

Like this:

Aboriginal Sunny Art

I want to write the story that belongs to this picture, so I can use it for the cover . . .

Of course, last night, she was drawing a leprechaun for our front window with a pink marker  and decorating his waistcoat with flowers, a pink rainbow, and, for some reason, a television set showing a Powerpuff Girl—Blossom, I think, from the color.  But he does have a waistcoat.

And he still beats my stick figures by a mile.

16 thoughts on “Snowy Day Sunny Art

    • One of them, I think—most of the time.

      At this specific moment, the Illustrious Artist is making a fuss because her Daddy won’t tell her a fifth bedtime story OR let her read books under the covers.

  1. Wow. Holy…wow. I mean, this may sound like one of those comments where the person sounds ridiculous, but I KNOW the age group really, really well and none of my kids could do anything like that, even CLOSE, at Sunny’s age. Get her involved in every painting class that you have access to.
    Oh! And get Vincent Van Gogh’s Cat (unless you already have it because you recommended it to me. Gets harder and harder to tell these days. My mind is going…maybe that’ll help my book??), the pictures are just cool and Sunny may get a kick out of it. Oh! And Extra Yarn by…okay, can’t think of it, but I love the pictures. Oh! And if she hasn’t seen the picture books for William Joyce’s Man on the Moon or Sandman, those are a must. Absolutely beautiful drawings.
    I really should just open a bookstore. I’m ridiculous with my, “You have to read this!” but I can’t help it. Thank goodness you are a librarian.

    • She’s too young for the available classes around here, but she has an excellent school art teacher! Plus, we visit the Art Museum as much as we can—they have a great children’s gallery, with artist’s rooms so the kid can try things themselves.

      Jane brought home Vincent Van Gogh’s Cat from the library a few months ago (he’s her favorite—Van Gogh, not the cat) but I’m not sure Sunny saw it. I’ll pick it up today.

      I’ll have to vet Extra Yarn though . . . I don’t want the kids getting any ideas about my personal stash! 😀

      Thanks for the recommends, Lyra!

  2. This isn’t (just) bragging. It’s the totally-necessary showing of a budding/existing (virtually) unknown artist. And we saw it first. I’m happy to have been in the crowd. 🙂

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