Random Thursday: Variables, Miracles, and a Hidden Squid

Random is as random does.


In Case You Were Wondering:

List of You

(Yeah, Vonnie—you got me)


Sarah’s Spirit Couch

Couch Potato

Judge me all you want, but let’s call a spud a spud.

‘Cause “spud” is fun to say.

Spud, spud, spud, spud, spud, spud, squid, spud, spud, spud, spud, spud . . .



Mathematical Brain Owies

Yes, this is cool.

No, I can’t even.


How to Bring Out That Vein in Your Beloved’s Forehead

Love Lists

Look, you can see their heart beating,
right above their beautiful, bulging eyes,
just for you . . .


Now, THIS is Math I Can Get Behind

Holy Shift

So to speak.

This had Janie on the floor laughing.

I’m expecting a call from her leadership camp any minute now.

In other news, I’ve stopped assembling Thursday posts with my headphones on . . .

(Dang it, Kev—quit undermining my parental authority)


Ice, Ice Baby:

Marty Ray-–who reminds me of my BIL in more than one way—is a true magician.

Behold, for he hath performed the miracle of the age:


(Thanks, Roy!)


Wondering about the hidden squid?

It’s in here somewhere.

Go back and look—I’ll wait.