Weekend Writing Warriors: Odd Duck (Gloss)

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If you’ve been following along the past few Sundays, you know that our wereduck P.I. hero, Tom, was supposed to have a first meeting with a wealthy client at the best French restaurant in Talbot City.  He’s hoping that this meeting will lead to more clients.

Instead, Leda Swanson is waiting for him, hoping to renew their old . . . acquaintance . . . for reasons not entirely her own.

Tom is keeping his cool, knowing that Leda isn’t used to that, from males of any species.


Leda Swanson had been the undisputed princess of Chaney High School: head cheerleader, diva of the Drama Club, and recurring guest star in the fantasies of three-fourths of the student body and half the faculty.

Jackie had always rated her intelligence on the level of a tube of lip gloss, but you couldn’t have everything.

Back then, for a little while, I’d thought Leda was more than enough.

She hadn’t been, but I had to admit that confusion looked very pretty on her. “So, what’s the problem?”

She smiled. “Do I need to have a problem, just to see an old friend?”

“You should ask one,” I said, opening the leather-bound menu.


I promise, Tom doesn’t spend the entire meal doing this and Leda doesn’t spend the entire meal doing that.

But I admit I giggle a little when it happens.

41 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Odd Duck (Gloss)

    • I certainly hope so, Rafael! 🙂

      A lot of writers are doing werepredators—and doing them well—but I only remember reading about a few wereprey animals and even fewer of those were the hero. I wanted to play with that a little . . .

  1. I bet everything looks pretty on her. She probably practices her expressions in the mirror.

    Though I do wonder if different inanimate objects have different levels of intelligence.. Does maybe a letter opener mean you’re sharper than, say, being compared to a book end?

  2. Oooh, cutting remark from our Tom! Love it. And who believes for a second that she just wants to reconnect??? Such a cool story, ready for more now! Great snippet from so many angles…

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