Random Thursday: Treats and Trailers

Random Thursday (ˈrandəm ˈTHərzdā): the day on which Sarah plunks down all the odd bits and pieces she’s been sent by friends or has otherwise stumbled upon this week in an effort to avoid writing a real post, the assembly of which usually ends up taking twice as much time as sitting down and creating actual content.

Anyone else caught off guard by October?

Anyone else’s kids start Halloween costume negotiations, yet?

Anyone else pondering the validity of eating their weight in candy corn as a coping strategy?


If Kansas was Candyland . . . 

The Wizard of Oz, as written by Roald Dahl:


Or, alternatively,  Hansel & Gretel’s Revenge.

Your choice.

(Watson—we need to try these!)


Feistypants at 1:50

Over the years, I’ve forked over a significant percentage of my net worth to Disney.

And I’m gonna do it again at Thanksgiving.

And probably thank them for it.

(even if the city looks a lot like the one in Tangled)

Yeah.  They had me at Olaf . . .


Dude.  Do the Helicarrier Next!

Jeff Wright’s kids must rule Halloween Costume Parades . . .


Do a Google Roll

Barrel Roll

Did everyone know about this, already?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go tell Google to do a barrel roll

Cool, huh?

(thanks, Downith!)



The next installment of The Hobbit—complete with gratuitous elven side story, which I shall accept because Orlando Bloom is breathtakingly pretty, and a set of royal elven eyebrows which I shall mock starting now because they are breathtakingly weird—will arrive in theaters on December 13th.

The trailer is terrific, eyebrows notwithstanding, and includes Martin Freeman being awesome, Richard Armitage being insular and broody, and a listen at Smaug, finally. You can hear some of Benedict Cumberbatch’s gorgeous timbre through the distortion, but I’m assuming they’re saving his natural voice for the Necromancer.*

*Thus avoiding a repeat of the LOTR debate over why a film trilogy with a budget of $430 million budget couldn’t afford a separate voice actor for the Ent. I adore John Rhys-Davies and would gladly listen to him recite the phone book, if I couldn’t find my copy of The Canterbury Tales, but hearing Gimli’s voice out of Treebeard knocked me right out of the movie.