Weekend Writing Warriors: The Anti-Cupids (She Will)

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Viv is very sorry she didn’t check her messages last night before falling face-first into her pillow.  But she still doesn’t want to go to her sister’s rescheduled cake tasting.  At all.

Petit Fours

“Mom, we’re changing our entire operation software over in a week,” she added into the disapproving silence. “We were given one month to prepare and I’ve been working eighteen hour days  fact-checking and doing rewrites on the manuals for every department. And it’s not like Kirsten and David need my help to taste cake.”

“Honey, you know your sister.”

She did.

“And you said you’d do it.”

She had.   “I know, but—”


Family, amiright?

Personally, I’ve never passed up an opportunity to attend a cake tasting in my life and I’m not planning to start anytime soon, but I can understand Viv’s reluctance.

But I’m not sure of my facts in the first two sentences—Viv is most likely a technical writer for a company, because I think she’s the kind of practical person who can cut to the chase, break things down, and lay them out.   But as I’m neither a technical writer or a practical person, I only guessed that new operating software might throw her department into a tailspin—it sure did a number on our library last year.

If there are any technical writers out there, can I please beg for your expertise?  What kind of project would overload you for a couple of weeks?


Photo credit: ralph and jenny