Random Thursday: Library Light(e)ning and a Didgeri-Duet

This Random Thursday was pre-recorded before a live audience of one disinterested cat, as I will be/am/was attending an all-day library conference, which will mean/means/meant driving across three towns and a river to the affiliated library branch farthest from my house so we can all leave from there at 6:45 am.

I was also suckered into driving the library van—which is what I get for following the rules about checking e-mail while working the public desk*—so I should have a hilarious-in-retrospect recap for y’all soon.

Meanwhile, have some vaguely-themed random:




For Shame

You know that Librarian Shaming photo series that’s going around?

The one that several of you sent me via Facebook and e-mail?  Because you thought it was funny?

I have one thing to say, after which we shall not speak of it again:

You have no proof that this is me.


(because it was chili. . . )


Umm . . .

I think I know where they were going with this . . .

National Reading Association

But  don’t we have enough trouble getting people to return books on time
without handing them a bumper sticker and a rallying cry?


Winner of Most Obnoxiously Stereotyped Librarian-Themed Time Suck EVER**

Lightning Librarian looks like a deceptively simple game.

Kids come to the library desk and request a book
and the Old Lady Librarian™ (complete with Hair Bun® and Wire Rims®) finds it for them before they storm off.


Except, when you hit play . . .


All the %#@&ing symbols disappear.

And the kids start lining up.  And getting cranky

Because it’s a memory game. 

And way the heck too close to how I spend my working hours.

Which didn’t stop me from playing it obsessively over my lunch break trying to improve my score out of woefully misplaced professional pride.


Hint, hint

Grunge Librarian Zazzle

Comes in Stone Green, too.

In my size.

Ain’t that something?


Are Too

Someone recently told me that didgeridoos weren’t the Funnest Musical Instrument Ever because they don’t play melodies.

Au contraire, mon frère:


*When I returned to my own workstation, I discovered a string of e-mails from the people who had also signed up for the conference.  Five of these were variations on “I don’t want to drive the van.”  The last one was from our Administrative Assistant:  “Okay, Sarah is driving, so she’ll coordinate.”  Oh.  Okay.

**Not that there’s a lot of competition.