Six Sentence Sunday – Full Metal Librarian I

My friend and First Reader Lisa participates in Six Sentence Sundays—each Sunday, she posts six sentences from one of her stories.  I’ve been enjoying her snippets for a while,* and thought, well, why not?

So here are six sentences from my earliest drawer novel.  The working title was Daughter Of, but one of my friends suggested Full Metal Librarian.  Who am I to argue?

The moment I stepped outside, the February wind tried its best to cut me in half.  So much for global warming—a third of Antarctica might have melted in the past fifty years, but Illinois winters were still brutal.  I zipped my flak parka to my chin, raised my collar, and headed for the parking lot, passing other ambulatory bundles of clothes braving Mother Nature’s deep freeze.

Fighting against the wind to the parking kiosk, I stuck my hand in the slot, turning away from the icy blasts as much as possible.  I could hardly feel the sampler scraping my skin.  Bouncing on my toes to keep my circulation going, I glanced at the attendant, who had the requisite mohawk and submachine rifle.

Six sentences isn’t a lot  . . .


*I’ve read the novel that she’s currently sharing, by the way—Lisa is a fantastic writer.

34 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday – Full Metal Librarian I

  1. Nice description, was shivering as I read it (though that could be because my home is freezing, lol). The last line about the attendant is very intriguing (oh, and Full Metal Librarian sounds a better title).

  2. Are you kidding? Six sentences is tons in your world. Sure, I want more, but what you gave me was fantastic. These details paint your world a curious shade and it is painfully intriguing. I love it. And for the record, I loved the title you came up with. It fits the heart of the novel. Super first six sentences! I cannot wait for next week. I was right. This is awesome.

    • I suppose being Queen of the Twenty-Four Word Sentences (and you know I am) has some advantages . . . XD

      You like the title? I was going to run it past you, but i ran out of time!

  3. Sarah,
    Love this! “the wind tried its best to cut me in half” is perfect.

    At first I thought this was a journalistic piece on my life (it is all about me, right?) until I got to the part about the submachine gun…

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