Random Thursday: Random Costumes and Zombified Love Songs

Random Thursday (ˈrandəm ˈTHərzdā): the day on which Sarah plunks down all the odd bits and pieces she’s been sent by friends or has otherwise stumbled upon this week in an effort to avoid writing a real post, the assembly of which usually ends up taking twice as much time as sitting down and creating actual content.

I wish I could blame more of you for more of this . . . but most of it is my fault.


Vampire slaying kit from 1890s

Vampire Kit 1890

“Cased vampire killing kit, in a rosewood and ebony case with inlaid silver stringing and mother-of-pearl inlaid plaque. Contents include a black powder percussion 2-barrel pistol, a powder horn and bullet mold, bone handled dagger with crucifix, three small crucifixes, mallet and two wooden stakes, book of common prayer, two small framed portraits of Jesus, holy water and four glass vials with crystals.”

(from Dangerous Minds: thanks for sharing this on Facebook, Paula!)


Parsing the Uncanny

Why Poe’s Raven
(not to mention the tintinnabulations of those danged bells, bells, bells)
gets us every time.

(Thanks Watson!)


Why did the Turduken Cross the Road?

To get away from the Cthulken:


I don’t blame it one bit.

The brainchild of Rusty Eulberg who hails from Lubbock, Texas (at least on this plane),
the Cthulken combines all the flavorful weirdness
of crab, turkey, octopus, bacon,
with just a soupçon of existential dread.

The story of its conception is here.

You may be thinking
(supposing you’ve recovered from the horror of imagining the carving)
that this is really more of a Thanksgiving random bit.

Maybe so.

But forewarned is forearmed.

(photo borrowed from @damana, which is as far back as I was able to trace)


Fair’s Fair


Earwoooorrrrrmmmmmzzzzz . . . .

I know I’ve shared this once or twice before,

But this song just won’t die . . . in my heart.

Aren’t these the most adorable zombies ever?

I mean, the benchmark’s pretty low, but still.



‘Cause they probably haven’t eaten all the good candy, yet.

Better go back to last weekend, just to make sure.



Another tender zombie love story,
from a Martian’s POV

Random Thursday: Random, Alternative Lovestylings

Happy Random Valentine’s Day!

And just remember:  you knew what you were getting into when you clicked the link . . . 



That Creepy-Uppy kind of Love

Tim Minchin, ladies and gentlemen.  He is The Awesome.

He also wrote a couple of love songs I can’t possibly share on a blog where I write about my kids.

They’re on YouTube.  Go find ’em.

(Dad, I’ll e-mail you the links)


Geek Lines

Geek Love



Zombie Romance with Bonus Earworm

I know I’ve shared this before, but it’s so flippin’ adorable, like Holly Hobbie gone . . . off.

Still a better love story than . . . you know.

And you’ll be humming it for days.


It’s True.  I do.

Napping Love


Depressed about Being Single?

Let Christy Murphy turn you around:


To My Darling

Favorite Husband

I don’t tell you this nearly as much as I should.