Six Sentence Sunday: Full Metal Librarian XXVII (Boswell’s Nose)

Six Sentence Sunday is open to all writers. Just pick a six sentence passage from anything you’ve written—published, unpublished, whatever—and post it on your blog on Sunday.

Registration for the upcoming Sunday list opens the previous Tuesday evening at 5pm CST. More information is here.

Check out all the talent!


No, not the guy from Charlie’s Angels.  That was Bosley.


The Pressman was allowed to accompany me to the police station, the Exclusive contract making him my own personal biographer under the Basic Freedoms Act—the Code of the Press Corps, no ethics required. 

I gritted my teeth as he slid onto the other side of the rear seat.  He smelled of ozone and leather. 

Had Samuel Johnson ever wanted to give Boswell a bloody nose?  No one knew—Boswell had the final word and he never mentioned whether Johnson had given in to temptation or not.

But in my case, a little personal violence would make great copy.


Previous Installments:
First ♦ Second ♦ Third ♦ Fourth ♦ Fifth ♦ Sixth
Seventh ♦ Eighth ♦ Ninth ♦ Tenth ♦ Eleventh ♦ Twelfth  ♦ Thirteenth
Fourteenth ♦ Fifteenth ♦ Sixteenth ♦ Seventeenth
Eighteenth ♦ Nineteenth ♦ Twentieth ♦ Twenty-first ♦ Twenty-second
Twenty-third ♦ Twenty-fourth ♦ Twenty-fifth ♦ Twenty-sixth

17 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday: Full Metal Librarian XXVII (Boswell’s Nose)

  1. Ozone and leather, wow. I’m not sure if that’s disgusting or intoxicating. Maybe a little bit of both?

    • I should probably explain that this is Clyota’s opinion, not mine—or if I ever do get this thing published, I’ll never get a decent review! 🙂

  2. I loved your speculation about the relationship between Boswell and Johnson. I almost named my two kitties after them, but went with Darcy and Bingley instead. Figured I’d have to explain their names too much…

  3. Great word usage here, Sarah. Totally expected of you, but still. 😉 “No ethics required,” “a little personal violence,” “smelled of ozone and leather.” All fantastic details and phrasing to really represent your characters and setting. Wonderful.

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